Friday, 4th March 1994
Beaumont Leys Pool Sessions - Exotic Waters Written By Anneka Brewster Aged 9ish.. On Friday nights we go to Beaumont Leys pool session, wearing swimming costumes and t-shirts we get into Bat kayaks and launch from the pool side into the warm water. Our instructor’s names are Ben and Steve, Chris our Saturday club instructor helps as well.
My Dad and I go to pool sessions so we can practice and learn different strokes in clean, warm water where we don’t mind capsizing, either accidentally or on purpose. I wanted to learn the capsize drill with a spraydeck on and having an instructor nearby is a big help. Dad wants to learn how to roll back up again so he doesn’t have to take his spraydeck off and get his feet wet. Dad says he is going to start wearing a nose clip while he is learning to roll.
My t-shirt makes the spraydeck more comfortable to wear. I like the centre spraydecks better because they are easier to get off.
There are more children than grown ups in the session we go to, everyone is very friendly and helpful. Sometimes we have the wave machine on and try to ride a wave all the way to the shallow end. When our session is finished we get changed and watch the next session from the spectators level which is above the pool and gives a good view of the other paddlers rolling and having fun in the waves.