Firstly, thanks to everyone who completed the survey – you’re helping shape the club for it’s members.
Although we’ve not had chance to look in depth at the results, one theme we spotted was that people would like more structured learning opportunities.
So we’ve just listed the following opportunities:
Explore Award - Kayak (2 May/4 weeks block booking)
Suitable for anyone who in comfortable in a kayak but would like some coaching to develop their skills over 4 weeks.
The Explore Award has no formal assessment, you paddle with your coach exploring the knowledge and skills you need to paddle independently in the sheltered water environment. Reflecting on each of your paddles and agreeing 'what next' with your coach is exciting and empowering, as a result your Paddle Explore is awarded when you're ready!
White Water Award – Kayak (22 May)
Suitable to people who are comfortable on moving water up to Grade 2. Your White Water Award will give you the skills needed for a safe and fun day out white water paddling. This is the replacement for the old 3* award.
The White Water Award has no formal assessment. Each day spent on the white water will further expand your skills and knowledge. This will be directed by your own aims and goals. The award will be certificated when you are ready.
Foundation Safety and Rescue (12 June)
Do you want the skills to stay out of trouble? Want to know what to do if either you or others fall into the water? Then the Foundation Safety and Rescue Training (FSRT) may be for you!
It's a fun course that is suitable to most paddlers who are comfortable paddling their preferred craft on club nights.
Paddlesport Instructor Training and Assessment Weekend (7/8 May)
This Paddlesport Instructor course is suitable for people who would like to take on an instructor role, either at the club or as a profession. It's a combined training and assessment weekend suitable for anyone who is of an Explore standard in their chosen craft. A bursary from the club is available to cover some of the course cost for those willing to comit to volunteering at the club.
Find out what other members thought of this course last year by reading this blog post.
Foundation Safety and Rescue Course
We will be listing some Canoe and Paddleboard opportunities soon. Keep an eye on the club calendar under “Courses” and our social media.